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「ONE Campaignメンバーはこの選挙シーズンを通した重要な存在で、この世で最も貧しい人々のありさまの認識を上げる相当な仕事をしました...私は私の最初の任期にアフリカに行って、エイズRelief(PEPFAR)、大統領のMalaria InitiativeとGlobal Fundがエイズ、TBとMalariaと戦う大統領のEmergency Planのようなイニシアティブを強化することによってグローバルに違いを生じ続けます...「つづき
「大統領のCandidates To Visit Africaを尋ねる」ことは運動しますONE Action.によって提供される501(c)(3)活動だけは、ONE Campaignによって資金を供給されます。
Dear ONE Member,
The president is back from his trip to Africa and, because of your actions, we won't have to wait very long for the next presidential trip to that continent.
That's because more than 100,000 ONE members signed our petition asking the presidential candidates to pledge to visit Africa in their first term and the candidates heard you loud and clear.
The petitions have been delivered and we now have solid commitments from Senator Clinton, Governor Huckabee, Senator McCain and Senator Obama that, if elected, they will visit Africa in their first term. Congratulations! This is your victory and you can read the candidates' responses here:
Now we need to get the word out about the campaign and about how U.S.-African cooperation is saving lives and beating poverty and disease, by writing a letter to the editor of your local paper.
We've made it easy to write your own letter, with an online tool that lets you select your local paper and respond to an article on the president's trip, use ONE talking points or even a draft letter. We also have more content about the trip and our campaign on the ONE Blog.
Africa is in the news and we can help to shape the story. During his trip, President Bush visited five nations in Africa, each of which has made tremendous gains in the ongoing struggle against poverty and disease. As ONE members, we are proud to have played a part in alleviating suffering and empowering people across the continent of Africa to live better lives.
From fighting malaria in Tanzania to educating young women in Rwanda, American leadership is proving invaluable in the fight against poverty and disease in nations across Africa. With more than 100,000 petitions delivered, ONE members are making sure the next president gets the message that Americans want the next occupant of the White House to take on extreme poverty and global disease.
I want to share with you some excerpts from the responses we've gotten to your "Visit Africa" petitions.
Senator Hillary Clinton released a statement saying:
"Today I received a petition from more than 85,000 Americans who are members of the ONE campaign. I applaud their activism and share their urgent concern for the challenges of poverty and AIDS, especially in Africa... I am also committed to visiting Africa during my first term as President, to see the progress of our efforts and to assess first hand the necessary strategies to combat disease and poverty..." Read more
Senator John McCain's response to your petitions said:
"I have received the petition from more than 85,000 Americans who are members of the ONE campaign. I am proud of the volunteer-driven effort behind ONE and the commitment ONE's members have shown toward serving a cause greater than their own self-interest...As president, I look forward to visiting Africa and working with afflicted nations there and elsewhere to communicate that we expect a level of governance, transparency, and effectiveness from them in order to ensure that their aid makes a concrete and positive impact on people's lives." Read more
Governor Mike Huckabee said:
"The ONE Campaign members have been a significant presence throughout this election season and have done a tremendous job of raising awareness of the plight of the poorest people on earth...I will go to Africa in my first term and will continue to make a difference globally by strengthening such initiatives as the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President's Malaria Initiative and the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria..." Read more
Senator Barack Obama's response said:
"The ONE campaign stands as an example of how ordinary people can come together to change the world from the bottom up. I was honored to receive a petition from 75,000 ONE campaign members, and share your commitment to fight global poverty and disease—particularly in Africa. I will continue to fight for bipartisan renewal and expansion of the global HIV/AIDS relief program, and look forward to visiting Africa during my first term as President of the United States..." Read more
Check out the "Visit Africa" campaign page for complete statements and more information on this effort.
100,000 people taking action is no small thing, and neither is a presidential trip to Africa. You can help to tell the story of all this trip represents. Write a letter to the editor about bipartisan solutions to poverty and the incredible work ONE members have done to make sure the next president visits Africa in his or her first term.
But before we press on, I hope you'll take a moment to reflect on all the progress ONE members like you have made. You've taken global poverty, too often neglected in past political campaigns, and made it a potent issue in the 2008 race for the White House. I can't wait to see what you do next.
Thank you for your voice,
Josh Peck, ONE.org
The "Ask The Presidential Candidates To Visit Africa" campaign is brought to you by ONE Action. Only 501(c)(3) activities are funded by The ONE Campaign.
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